Hal Turns Evil Again Being Human Fanfic

Henry [one] or Harry[two]"Hal" Yorke is an English vampire who has lived for more than 500 years and first appears in Series 4. His age and power are sufficient that he is considered an Old One, though at the time of his appearance he has forsworn any allegiance to his own kind. He is notable in that as a Vampire, he had ii personas that he switched between every few decades in cycles; i kind and good natured, the other vicious, sadistic and evil. Following the Devil'south apparent destruction, Hal's humanity was seemingly restored and thus his two personas were obviously either merged or replaced with a new 1.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Early Life
    • 1.2 Series 4
    • 1.3 Series five
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Abilities
  • four Relationships
    • 4.1 Thomas McNair
    • 4.2 Alex Millar
    • 4.3 Annie Sawyer
    • iv.four Leo
    • 4.5 Pearl
    • 4.half dozen Nick Cutler
    • 4.vii Other Relationships
  • 5 Trivia
  • 6 Impale Count
  • vii Appearances
    • 7.1 Series iv
    • 7.ii Series 5
  • 8 References

Biography [ ]

Early on Life [ ]

Hal was born sometime in the tardily 15th century to a prostitute in a brothel, most likely around 1490. He did non know which one of the prostitutes was his female parent just he loved them all however. When he became an adult he ran away to sea, and ended up in Gdańsk. He fought in the Battle of Orsha where he was injured by a Muscovite soldier wielding a lance.

When lying in a forest in Republic of belarus, presumably dying, he willingly accepted the chance to be turned into a vampire by an army surgeon. At some point afterwards he went on a encarmine rampage beyond Europe with Fergus (who he had recruited), which lasted at to the lowest degree until 1855. By this point his sheer brutality and carnal bloodlust had gained him a reputation, and other Vampires were afraid of him - including the Old Ones (except for Mr. Snow). At some point in his life he gained the name 'Lord Harry', though it is unclear if this is an bodily title or just a nick-proper name.

In episode 5 of series 4, we are shown that Hal is unaffected by a cantankerous. He then tells a story of how 300 years previously he was trapped in a monastery in Budapest by a grouping of monks. After ix months a monk came and asked him whether he would repent all his sins. Hal killed the monk and used his dead body as a man shield confronting the ill effects of the cross.

By 1918, Hal was living in a château in northern France, and held a position of power among the vampires at this time. It was there that he became embroiled in a state of war with the werewolves nether the leadership of Lady Catherine, though he began to suspect that their conflict was being instigated by exterior forces. He allowed Lady Catherine to learn of his location, knowing that she would not be able to resist the chance to electrocute him. When she arrived, Hal engaged her in a cursory fight, after which he requested that they parley. Information technology was then that he revealed to her his suspicion that the vampires and werewolves were both being manipulated by none other than The Devil.


Hal meets Lady Catherine

Lady Catherine plays a unsafe game of rough and tumble with Lord Hal

Hal and Catherine tracked downward the ghost of the powerful Necromancer Emil in order to acquit out a ritual which would trap the Devil in a physical body and weaken him so that he can exist killed. The ritual was intended to use the blood of the vampire and werewolf leaders, plus the ghost's ain essence in order to bind the Devil. Hal, fearing any backlash that might consequence from his own claret being used, instead took some blood from one of his vampiric soldiers. As a upshot the spell was only a partial success: the Devil was bound into the body of a local lunatic (later revealed as Helm Hatch), but Lady Catherine was killed as the ritual concludes. Hal sent his vampires to notice and destroy the Devil, only the creature managed to escape him.

In the 1950s he lived in England, and had got into the exercise of running dogfights. It was here that he met his new recruit, Cutler, and spent much of this time trying to become rid of the younger man's humanity by encouraging him to kill. He also had some contact with Fergus during this time. However, he stopped all contact with them when he met Leo in 1955.

Series iv [ ]

He lived with Leo (a werewolf) and Pearl (a ghost) for over 55 years, until Leo's eventual death from one-time age and the strain of so many transformations. Pearl's 'unfinished business' was to tell Leo she loved him, which she did merely before his death. This enabled them to get through their doors together, leaving Hal with Annie, Tom and baby Eve, and he decides to take residence at Honolulu Heights. ("Being Human 1955")

Later on on, Annie struggles with coin considering Tom is not earning enough coin at his job at the cafe. Hal is asked to work there with Tom and he accepts, but at kickoff, does not savour it but so finds it distracts him from temptation. When Hal watches Regus and a newly recruited Michaela walking away, he makes a reference to Ivan and Daisy which implies he knew them. ("The Graveyard Shift")

Hal loses his cool

He showed his much darker side once once again as he threatened the coroner who was covering up the Box Tunnel 20. Due to Kirby stirring up the relations between the friends, Tom attacked Hal and, subsequently splitting Tom'south lip, some of his werewolf blood came in contact with Hal's arm leaving a burn down (as werewolf blood is toxic to vampires). Subsequently on in the episode, when Kirby went on a rampage through Hal's room, tearing through his belongings, the ghost broke Hal'due south picture of Leo. He then, in a burst of anger, ran to the room upstairs where Kirby was hiding with baby Eve. He bared his fangs in anger at Kirby, but turned to detect Annie had witnessed this, misinterpreted the situation due to Kirby'southward lies and she demanded that he leave. Hal appears to bulldoze abroad, just it is later revealed that he never left the end of the street. Tom later met up with him - both of them realising that information technology was Kirby who caused the friction between them - and the two went dorsum to the house and confronted Kirby equally he was nigh to impale infant Eve. Yet, Annie came dorsum from the expressionless and destroyed Kirby. Hal fears that he is the one the prophecy states is destined exist Eve's arch enemy, as the nemesis has a burnt arm.("A Spectre Calls")

A affiche of Hal from the averted future timeline, in which he becomes an instrumental figure in the vampires' global conquest.

After, Hal meets a girl called Alex while he was cleaning in the cafe and she tries to "chat him" upward, merely Hal resists having any more contact with her because he is agape that he may lose control of himself and drinkable her blood. ("Puppy Love")

In Making History, information technology is revealed that Hal is destined to revert to his quondam bloodthirsty ways and join the vampires in their campaign of global domination. Information technology is shown that in the future he is much worse than in his previous cycles of murderous behaviour, however; he becomes one of the vampires' most feared generals, described past Eve as "fierce, sadistic, and quite literally their poster boy". As she is telling this to Annie, the sound of thousands of vampires chanting Hal'southward proper noun tin be heard in the background.

Seeing every bit almost all of The Old Ones were killed by Annie at the conclusion of The War Child (though Hettie did escape) it is possible that Hal is the oldest known vampire in the world. With Eve's future timeline averted, information technology is possible that Hal is no longer destined to return to a monstrous lifestyle. All the same, the chance that this may yet happen is a constant fear for him.

Hal bares his fangs

Serial v [ ]

At the beginning of The Trinity, Hal has been tied to a chair for a month, every bit Tom and Alex seek to assist him overcome his return to the bloodlust. Hal becomes increasingly frustrated at Tom's inability to keep the house make clean, and demands to be released. Alex and Tom eventually agree to untie him after he assures them that he is no longer a chance to humans. He goes so far as to swear upon the memory of Eve that he will non impale anybody. Following his release, he cleans the business firm and then goes with Tom and Alex to the Barry Chiliad Hotel, where he and Tom employ for jobs afterward they accept been sacked from the Buffet on the Corner. Hal is given a job very chop-chop due to the hotel director's obvious attraction to him. While at the hotel he is approached by Mr Rook, who asks that Hal accept leadership over vampire society in the backwash of the Old Ones' destruction. Every bit payment, Rook offers a means by which Hal tin can obtain blood consensually, telling him that it never works out well when vampires try to live without blood. Hal declines, telling Mr Rook that "yous practice not want to see a world where I lead the vampires". :-))

Afterwards, Hal bumps into the hapless human Ian Crumb, who is on his style home subsequently being told that he must re-apply for his own task. After Crumb is knocked to the basis, his anger leads him to confront Hal, whose vampiric instincts are roused by the sight of blood trickling from Crumb's olfactory organ. Hal flashes his fangs at Nibble, who immediately flees in terror. Hal runs after him in an effort to explain, only to run into Crumb being run over by a passing automobile. Hearing the mortally-injured Crumb begging him for help, Hal feels guilty and gives Crumb some of his blood, turning him into a vampire (he later insists that he did not feed on Crumb at any point).

Knowing that Crumb will become a dangerous predator in the wake of his transformation, Hal ties him to a radiator and locks him in the basement, though he cannot bring himself to tell Alex and Tom what he has done. His two housemates later discover Crumb while Hal is out, and Alex naïvely lets the immature vampire get. When Hal returns he is attacked and knocked out by an enraged Tom, who and then ties him back to the chair and asks him what happened. Hal explains about the machine blow and claims that he never drank Crumb's claret, and that he only turned the human being considering he felt responsible for his death. Hal is untied after Alex admits to releasing Nibble, and the 3 rush to face up the young vampire at his place of work, where he has just killed the manager's nephew. Hal, tired of having survived for centuries while all around him skilful people die, is ready to stake both himself and Nibble in social club to end it all. However, Tom and Alex persuade him not to do so. Crumb is then taken into custody by Mr Rook and his clandestine government department.

Sticks and Ropes saw Hal and Tom embroiled in the "employee of the month" contest at the hotel, with the manager Patsy showing obvious favouritism towards Hal. Hal is unconcerned with winning the contest, merely sees a chance to heave Tom's self-esteem if he can ensure that the young Werewolf wins. However, the manipulations of Captain Hatch steadily plough the Vampire and Werewolf confronting i another, with Hal declaring to Tom at one point that "However shit at the job I endeavor to exist, you somehow manage to be even shitter". This results in a food-fight between Hal and Tom in full view of the hotel guests, after which Patsy sacks them both. Captain Hatch later persuades Patsy to give them their jobs dorsum, earlier mind-decision-making her into drowning herself.

In Pie and Prejudice, Hal has been made acting hotel manager in Patsy's absenteeism, bringing about much resentment from Tom. When the Werewolf charlatan Larry Chrysler arrives at the hotel, Hal is instantly suspicious, even as Tom is drawn into a hero-worship mentality. It is also revealed in this episode that Hal has been paying annual visits for the past 250 years to Lady Mary, a Ghost who believed herself to exist the terminal person Hal always killed. Hal was under the illusion that Mary however held much the aforementioned timid and hidebound personality that she did when she was live, though Alex swiftly discovers that Mary has in fact go a borderline-insane thrill-seeker, and tries to convince Hal of this. Hal refuses to believe Alex'southward story, upwards until Alex invites Mary to dinner at Honolulu Heights, and Hal sees her threaten to castrate Larry Chrysler with a kitchen pocketknife. Hal and Mary later antipodal about how they are both unlike from what they believe each other to be, and Hal reveals that she was non his concluding victim. Enraged at having been deceived for and so long, Mary leaves.

Following the conversation, Hal discovers that Larry has told Tom that Werewolves cannot atomic number 82 successful lives, and that the wolf e'er destroys any hopes that they may have. Hal and Alex find Tom alone in the woods, and endeavour to convince him to come dorsum with them. When Tom refuses, saying that "This is as good as information technology gets for werewolves", Hal storms dorsum to Honolulu Heights and threateningly tells Larry to leave. When Alex eventually does convince Tom to come back home, they detect Hal in the house with Lady Mary, who is trying to stake him. Mary tells them that it is inevitable that Hal will feed and kill again, just Alex convinces her that Hal is no longer Mary'due south trouble. After Mary has left, Tom asks Hal virtually where Larry went. Hal tells him that he did not requite Larry much selection about leaving. Nosotros then see the residual of Hal's argument with Larry, in which Hal briefly reverts to his murderous Vampiric personality, and strangles the Werewolf before calling Mr Rook to dispose of the body.

Provoked by Larry Chrysler, the murderous Lord Hal resurfaces.

In The Greater Expert, Hal seeks to make amends for his recruitment of Ian Crumb, and finds the house where Crumb has been living along with fellow Vampire, Alan, whom Crumb recruited. Hal persuades them to come to Honolulu Heights and attempt to give up claret. Not long after, Mr Rook arrives with the Werewolf Bobby, asking the trio to look after him on the upcoming full moon. while Bobby goes to piece of work with Tom at the hotel, Hal attempts to teach Crumb and Alan to fight their blood addiction. Alan has no desire to give up blood, and attempts to escape, forcing Crumb to stake him. Hal begins to make some progress teaching Nibble, and Crumb works up sufficient confidence to ask Alex on a date. Hal reluctantly agrees to let this happen, and they get for dinner at the Barry Thousand. When Helm Hatch later persuades Mr Rook to unleash the transformed Bobby upon the hotel guests, Hal is forced to lure the dangerous Werewolf abroad from the humans. He succeeds in drawing Bobby upstairs and tries to lock him in a room. The Werewolf has him cornered at one point, just he is saved by the arrival of Tom - who is likewise in wolf class - and he escapes downstairs as the two beasts fight each other.

When Hal and Crumb render to Honolulu Heights, Crumb has decided that he cannot live with the constant internal struggle of being a Vampire, and turns on Hal, knocking him out with a wine bottle. Hal awakens tied to a chair in the basement, and Crumb taunts him until Hal's evil persona comes through, which terrifies Nibble. Nibble agrees to release Hal on the condition that they will each drink a drinking glass of claret: one glass holds human blood, the other holds Werewolf blood. Crumb takes the Werewolf blood and dies subsequently drinking it, seemingly happy at having concluded his expletive. Hal is about to give in and beverage the homo blood, when Alex arrives and stops him. When Hal is sitting lonely after, he takes a flask of blood given to him by Mr Rook and drinks information technology all.

Past the time of No Intendance, All Responsibility, Hal's returning blood thirst is weighing upon him heavily. Mr Rook's agent Natasha is able to convince him to drink from her, saying that she tin requite him a little claret at regular intervals in social club to keep his hunger at bay. Hal feeds from her twice, before he is discovered the 2nd time around by Alex. When he tries to talk to Alex most information technology, she is angry that he never asked her for help in resisting the addiction, saying that he does not want to be helped. She tells him that if she e'er sees him once more, she will stake him. Hal later returns to Honolulu Heights and asks for Alex'southward help, and despite her earlier words, Alex agrees. Hal is one time once more tied to the chair and left to wait until the claret that he has consumed leaves his arrangement, but he is interrupted by the arrival of Natasha, who has fallen nether Captain Hatch'due south mind-control. When Natasha slits her own throat Hal tries to save her, even considering turning her into a Vampire to stop her dying. Tom and Alex make it, and Tom instantly believes that Hal killed Natasha, and starts to brutally beat him. Hal tells him that he did not, and if Tom honestly believes that he fed on her, so he should stake him. Tom is prepared to kill Hal, only once over again Alex intervenes. Tom storms abroad, calling Alex a coward. When Hal talks to Alex, however, she also believes that he killed Natasha, and her unwillingness to see the truth finally drives Hal over the border, resulting in the re-emergence of the evil Lord Hal.

The Terminal Broadcast opens with Hal having massacred several humans in a pub, and turned them into new Vampires. Tom arrives equally he is giving them a speech well-nigh Vampire supremacy, and combat breaks out. Tom stakes his manner through Hal's new minions i subsequently the other, and once they are dealt with he confronts Hal about his personality switch. Hal taunts Tom, maxim that while his practiced alter ego did not think that Tom was stupid, his current personality believes that Tom is nothing but a beast of the field. Hal draws a pocketknife and the two of them break into a barbarous fight, with both of them demonstrating their superhuman agility and strength. While Hal was winning at offset, Tom eventually gains the upper manus. Hal seems unfazed fifty-fifty equally Tom is preparing to stake him, telling the Werewolf: "God, you're anticipated". Once once more, however, Alex arrives and intervenes, informing them that Helm Hatch is the Devil, and that he has been manipulating them into fighting one another. Hal tells the others that he knows of a ritual which can kill the Devil, and the 3 set off to face up him (though not before Hal collects some blood from 1 of his minions whom Tom injured).

When they catch upwardly with Hatch at the idiot box studio, Hatch sends each of the trio into an illusory alternating reality, giving them the chance to remain human. Hal finds himself on a Belarusian battlefield, dying of a lance wound. Hatch tries to convince him non to call out to the approaching Vampire surgeon, and to die as a human rather than become a supernatural predator who would murder thousands of people. Hal is almost persuaded, simply rejects the illusion because it does not feel right without Tom and Alex present. At this point, Hal and the others (seemingly) regain their senses in the Telly studio, and a fight breaks out between the them and the Devil's mind-controlled humans. In the fight, the flask containing the Vampire blood is shattered along with the vial of Tom's blood, preventing them carrying out the ritual. However, Mr Rook arrives with a loftier-calibre rifle and kills Captain Hatch'due south body.

In the backwash dorsum at Honolulu Heights, Hal tell Tom and Alex that they should not give up on being homo, and that to want humanity is to have it. He, still, will not be staying with them. Alex holds the door airtight as he tries to leave, and it looks as though Hal and Tom might be readying for another fight, when Mr Rook arrives. Rook explains that his department is covering up the aftermath of the events involving Captain Hatch. Alex and Tom leave the room, but Hal notices that Rook responded to something that Alex said, indicating that he could hear her. Rook laughs and reveals that he is the Devil's new host, and attempts to kill the trinity. During the terminal battle, Alex drinks a mixture of Tom and Hal's blood, trapping the Devil in Rook's torso. As Tom begins to choke and Alex starts to discorporeate, Hal grabs Tom's stake and uses it to kill Rook. With the Devil apparently dead, Hal awakens alongside Tom and Alex, and notices that he is neither his adept nor evil self. Afterward looking in a mirror and seeing his reflection for the first fourth dimension in v centuries, he realises that he is human, as are the other 2.

The Series v DVD scene shows Hal, Alex and Tom having dinner in a restaurant, having confirmed that Allison Larkin is no longer a Werewolf (and thereby implying that all the world's supernaturals have been cured). Hal is suspicious, as he realises that everything seems besides perfect. He demonstrates his suspicions by request a passing waiter for a pack of cards, and then performing card tricks despite not possessing that skill. When Alex protests that the world is nonetheless existent and the trinity are simply getting what they deserve, Hal tells her that they both know the globe does not work that way. As they realise that they are still in an alternate reality, the humans around them all stand up and surround the tabular array. Hal stands to face them, followed by Tom and Alex. When Tom asks him what they are going to do now, Hal replies "Oh, the usual. Relieve the world."

If the trinity exercise manage to escape the Devil's illusions, it is almost certain that Hal is notwithstanding a vampire, merely information technology is not sure whether he is under the control of his 'good' or 'evil' personality.

Personality [ ]

He is portrayed having traits of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), having many rituals and "routines" in his daily life. For case, Leo gave him a set up of dominoes, which he set in a spiral every day but never knocked down. This was to teach him to resist modest urges, making the bigger temptation - blood - easier to manage. When Leo died, Hal chose to knock over the dominoes for the first fourth dimension, showing he had lost control. However, it is unclear if Hal has always had this OCD-type personality, or if it has manifested mainly due to Leo's influence, though judging by his evil modify ego information technology appears it's something Leo taught him to do. He also values 'central heating, carpets and Radio iv' as essential and that being forced to see the house in a dingy and untidy state was torture (even going as far as asking for a screen to be put in forepart of him). Hal also does embroidery, origami and tin can besides play the lute (which he considers to be "the coolest of all Medieval stringed instruments") and the piano (Annie schedules a piano lesson for Eve with Hal in the "Hal & Annie" clip). In addition, he appears to enjoy poetry.

Hal, ordering the eggs in the matter of size; a daily routine of his.

When working at the cafe with Tom, he shows more than examples of how sticking to a routine tin help him suppress the urge to drink blood; "Keep decorated, continue sane" he says. He also orders the eggs in the cafe in order of size, a example of how he must similar to organise things. Another example would be that when he was nervous about going on a engagement with Alex, Tom gave him a box matches and some of the matches within were the incorrect way round. Hal rapidly snatches the match box, saying gleefully, "We'll see nearly that!" and putting the matches back into the box properly. Every bit a person besides, Hal is as well extremely organised. He plans out what activities and house work he will exercise every solar day and even sets times for them. Some of these activities include press ups, writing, cleaning and listening to Radio 4.


Hal Singing

Hal has told Annie and Tom that he doesn't sing, but on two occasions, Hal is seen singing while cleaning. The first fourth dimension, he was washing the dishes and singing "Accomplish Out I'll Exist There" by the Four Tops [1]. All the same, he is interrupted past Annie and goes silent from embarrassment. The second time, he was mopping the floors in the buffet and singing "Work To Practice" by the Isley Brothers. This must point that Hal does indeed, sing, but seems embarrassed to admit and sing in front end of others. While recruiting a small ground forces of vampires, bad Hal danced and sang "Putting On The Ritz".

When it comes to social interaction with humans, Hal seems to struggle because when doing and so, he constantly contesting against his urge to beverage blood. Not only that, but it appears that he besides struggles considering of his OCD, while many humans detect it easier to live without equally much structure as him. It is also likely that his social ineptness stems from living with Leo and Pearl for over fifty years. Hal also for some reason is non allowed to drink Kia-Ora. Leo and Pearl said when Annie asked what happened "We don't talk about it." It's possible that Kia-Ora changes Hal'due south  behaviour to what it's like when he'south drunk claret.

A distinct part of Hal's personality is the fact that he suffers from some class of Dissociative Identity Disorder, having an evil alter ego known as Lord Harry, who made an advent in Serial 5. Information technology is unclear what the source of this alternate personality is, as it could be possible that Lord Harry is a mental personification created by Hal to stand for his repressed violent impulses. There seems to be no real reason or caption for why Hal and Harry switch control other than that there is a cycle which many are aware of, as Hal was never portrayed equally beingness frightened of something triggering a change. Instead information technology seems that the switch between the two is random and can last for decades, and while Hal is able to sense when he is likely to alter it's also possible for information technology to happen suddenly as explained in a story by Hal where he speaks of a time when he suddenly switched to Lord Harry and killed his lover.

Lord Harry is shown to be completely different from Hal, being far more than at ease and violent. Nevertheless, this alternating personality appears to be wiser than Hal due to beingness and so detached from humanity, equally he was able to run across that it was the want to be human that fabricated someone human while none of the other characters could. Also Harry is not completely devoid of kindness every bit he was willing to say goodbye to Tom in a way that leaves him with a good memory of Hal prior to learn he and Alex planned to kill him, and this was farther shown when he explained that their desire to be homo means they are human being. He also visited Lady Mary regularly and would pretend he hadn't killed anyone since her which implies he got some sort of enjoyment out of the visits, though whether that was because he was lying to her or because of her company is unknown . When put in a dream world where he was homo, Hal'southward ii persona'due south fuse into i to create a more than relaxed, happy and calm Hal. This suggests that his divide personality adult when he was a vampire when suppressing his hunger, with his human cocky existence a safe alloy of his ii personalities.

Abilities [ ]

Equally a Vampire, Hal possesses all of their common traits, this includes immortality, constant awareness of supernaturals, advanced regeneration, invulnerability to most forms of harm and enhanced strength and senses. Furthermore, as an Old 1, he is stronger than younger Vampires and is completely immune to religious items such as a Cross or Star of David. He too does non demand to be invited into a house to exist able to enter information technology. Hal'southward incredible force allowed him to effortlessly overpower an adult human, kill and recruit a room full of humans, and easily restrain the werewolf and seasoned vampire hunter Tom McNair. Hal also possesses great knife handling skills, presumably learned during his time equally a soldier during the early 16th century. For example, he gained the upper mitt during his pocketknife fight with Lady Catherine, toying with her, and could agree his own for a while when fighting Tom; who is a hardened and skilled vampire hunter. Hal, or at to the lowest degree Lord Harry is incredibly charismatic; assuasive him to rally a room full of vampires he only recruited under his control. He besides possesses knowledge of the supernatural, plenty to allow him to perform the ritual to trap the Devil, and identify rare species like Succubi and Demons.

Relationships [ ]

Thomas McNair [ ]

Main commodity: Tom and Hal

Hal and Tom working in the cafe together.

Hal took residence at Honolulu Heights with Annie and Tom later on Leo and Pearl crossed over. At showtime, Hal and Tom had complications. Due to their second natures and personalities, they clashed quite often. Hal would oftentimes comment of Tom's "chavvy" accent, and insulted his werewolf nature. They were also quite close to killing each other, but set their differences bated to aid Annie protect Eve. Working at the cafe together, Hal and Tom gained a mutual fondness for each other which kindled into a friendship. After Annie'due south crossing over, Tom and Alex agreed to aid Hal manage his condition, and eventually Tom regards Hal equally his "best mate."

Alex Millar [ ]

Main article: Hal and Alex

While working in the buffet, Hal met Alex, who showed an involvement in him. Although he tried to brand her

Hal and Alex.

uninterested and to get out the cafe due to his vampiric nature, a engagement was arranged. On the date at a museum, Hal resisted the temptation to bite her. Later on, in a bar, Hal met with Alex and the 2 argued. Hal had been fuelled on a feeding, and was out of character. Later, when Cutler gave Hal blood, he showed her Alex's expressionless body, drained of blood. She returned as a ghost, warning Hal well-nigh Cutler's programme to expose werewolves. In return, he promised her revenge. At the end of the 4th serial, afterwards Annie left, Alex became role of the group. The 2 gained a strange and complicated relationship together.

Annie Sawyer [ ]

Main commodity: Annie and Hal

Hal took residence at Honolulu Heights with Annie and Tom afterwards Leo and Pearl passed over. At outset, Hal and Annie don't seem to be the best of friends. Their personalities are extremely different, however they afterward get friends even though their natures are zero alike.

Leo [ ]

Chief commodity: Hal and Leo

Hal first met Leo effectually 1955 when he was a "ruthless killer." Initially, Hal captured Leo in lodge to utilize him in dog fights however, one day, Hal visited Leo who convinced him to set him free. Along with that, Leo arranged a house in which they lived together, and Leo helped Hal stop drinking blood. For fifty five years, Hal and Leo were good and old friends. He saw Leo and Pearl every bit the people who kept him safe from drinking blood. When his two all-time friends crossed over, Hal was devastated, and almost relapsed into drinking blood over again. He fifty-fifty mentions in Puppy Love that he would similar Tom to "perform a similar part every bit Leo did".

Pearl [ ]

Main article: Hal and Pearl

Pearl lived alongside Hal and Leo at their home in Southend. They seem to accept a grouse sibling friendship. Little else has been shown virtually their relationship.

Nick Cutler [ ]

Main article: Hal and Cutler

Hal recruited Cutler into vampirism every bit a replacement for his legal clerk. Cutler and Hal had a long history and many nighttime times together. Hal killed his wife, Rachel, when Cutler would non kill her. More than than fifty years later on, Cutler then killed Alex equally revenge.

Other Relationships [ ]

Main article: Hal and Eve
Main article: Hal and Fergus
Main commodity: Hal and Lady Mary

Trivia [ ]

  • Hal has been compared to other vampire Mitchell past the fans of the idiot box series, due to him replacing Mitchell as a master cast member. However, in a lot of ways, Hal and Mitchell'south personalities can be seen as polar opposites. For example, Mitchell has great social skills, even with humans, but Hal seems to exist socially awkward at times, especially with humans. Mitchell'southward method of staying clean is friendships and the fear of disappointing the people he cares about, while Hal's method involves routines and structure.
  • Hal's name, which is a short grade of Henry, alludes to the devil (called "Old Harry" or "Lord Harry.") Information technology may also allude to Rex Henry V, who was portrayed as "Prince Hal" in Shakespeare's play, Henry the IV, Office I. Prince Hal as well undergoes a radical personality change as he grows older.
  • Hal is the only member of the second Trinity to not meet his predecessor in the original Trinity. Even so, he serves as a counterpart to Mitchell in the Trinity with Leo and Pearl and the Trinity with Tom and Alex.
  • According to him in a deleted scene, he has sired enough vampires to enhance an army of his own. It is unknown if he is exaggerating.
  • When Hal spoke to Leo prior to freeing him he makes mention to having been many men after becoming a vampire, describing some as kind and others as cruel. If taken literally that might hateful he has more personalities with dissimilar qualities.

Kill Count [ ]

  • Mary
  • Sylvie
  • Catherine
  • Eleanor
  • Nadia
  • Rachel Cutler
  • Nick Cutler (recruited)
  • Unnamed priest
  • All people inside a stately dwelling house
  • Fergus (recruited, later staked)
  • Coco and Scritch Cheep
  • Crumb (recruited)
  • Larry Chrysler
  • half-dozen unnamed people (recruited)

Appearances [ ]

Series 4 [ ]

  1. Eve of the War (first advent)
  2. Being Homo 1955
  3. The Graveyard Shift
  4. A Spectre Calls
  5. Agree the Front Folio
  6. Puppy Love
  7. Making History
  8. The War Child

Series 5 [ ]

  1. The Trinity
  2. Sticks and Rope
  3. Pie and Prejudice
  4. The Greater Skillful
  5. No Care, All Responsibleness
  6. The Final Broadcast (final appearance)

Hal has appeared in 14 episodes in total.


  1. Making History
  2. The Graveyard Shift


Source: https://beinghuman.fandom.com/wiki/Hal_Yorke

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